Weight loss and sleep apnea

Your weight loss regimen may be stagnating due to no fault of your own Once people make the choice to lose weight, they usually do so with support from friends, family and health professionals. Most of us know the benefits of weight loss when obese or overweight. We reduce our chances of developing disorders like…

Video: CPAP therapy and Sleep apnea

This video explains what sleep apnea is and possible treatment options, like CPAP therapy, for those with mild sleep apnea. Simply put, sleep apnea is where a patient stops breathing during the night due to upper airway collapse. CPAP therapy applies a positive airway pressure to ensure that the airway remains open and breathing is…

Infant sleep and children sleep

It’s important to ensure proper infant sleep and to find out if problems sleeping may be due to a sleep disorder. Infants sleep a lot. Infant sleep can last about 16-17 hours per day. Why are mom and dad so tired? Infants wake often to feed, about 8-12 times/day. Baby will often fall asleep after…

Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is being awake without the ability to move or speak, this occurs because when a patient wakes out of REM sleep, the muscles are still atonic (without muscle tone).

Sleep apnea: CPAP machine

The main treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea is a CPAP machine. Getting a mask to fit properly is essential for effective CPAP treatment.

When do I need a Polysomnography?

What is Polysomnography (PSG)? It is the recording of several parameters while you sleep that gives a full assessment of how you sleep. It is an important test to determine sleep disorders. A Polysomnography (PSG) looks at your sleep staging via electroencephalography (EEG), body movements via electromyography (EMG), eye movement via electrooculography (EOG), heart rate…